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Straight Talk on ELEC

Apr 26, 2024

2 min read



Good morning.  Most of you have by now seen the communications from “Somerset Winning Again" about "shocking" “charges”.  To say the very least, their description of the ELEC issues is overheated political spin. Indeed, for a member of the organization, who is on paper an officer of this organization, to send out such rhetoric is reckless, and could prejudice the organization’s legal position.  Here’s where things really stand:

1. These are the same reporting periods that we discussed at great length when we held our annual meeting on June 13, 2023; therefore, the assertion that this is something new, or that we have faced ELEC issues in the past is false.

2. Since June 2023, the organization has voluntarily opened its books up to a small group of volunteers, and to ELEC itself.  Indeed, we have given ELEC more than they asked for.  Ever since I accepted the resignation of our former treasurer, the books are in order and reports are complete and every dollar is accounted for, and on time, thanks to our treasurer, Jim Weideli.  Jim has complete control over the books and the ELEC compliance, and is doing the job as it should be done, and should have been done by his predecessor.

3. These are not “charges”.  The use of that word is very misleading.  This is an administrative proceeding about late reports, which is a pretty common occurrence in New Jersey.  The reports are complete and every dollar is accounted for.  And no, we will not be fined $100K.  Indeed, we will, through this administrative process and the legal system hold our former treasurer 100% responsible.  In fact our former treasurer is a named respondent in the administrative complaint, and will have to answer for his actions and inactions.  He is the only individual named in the administrative complaint.

4. Once we received the recent administrative complaint, I disclosed its receipt directly to the municipal chairs and the executive committee, and will continue to provide as many details as possible as the administrative process unfolds.

While this process is important, our primary focus should be to move our campaigns forward toward victory.  Nick and Rocky have been working hard, and will continue to work hard this weekend.  They promised to hit the ground running, and have kept that promise.  Winning elections has been and will continue to be my primary focus and the focus of the #countoncuzzoganta campaign team.  I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the campaign kickoff Monday evening at the NRCC Battlestation.  The flyer will again circulate this weekend via the SCRO newsletter.  Have a good weekend.


Tim Howes, Chair

Somerset County Republican Organization

Apr 26, 2024

2 min read



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